The Young Americans College expelled a student whistleblower without legally required due process.
On 9/12/24, a Young Americans College student, Timothy, was expelled immediately, without due process. California courts recognize a common-law right to fair procedure in private organizations. Timothy was expelled for “Violating housing policies by living in student housing without a lease”. Timothy still has never been asked where he lives/has lived. A housing policy is not available in the policies in the academic catalog that all students sign at TYA. At every request for a housing policy, TYA has not provide said policy. “Evidence” of Timothy violating this policy has not been provided.
This website is intended to spread the word about this miscarriage of justice. Timothy has attempted to rectify this situation via appeal, and was given a deadline of 12/14. Timothy had his legal representation send a demand letter, demanding the retraction of his expulsion and was ignored. Students at TYA demanded the retraction of his expulsion via concerted group effort and were denied. Below are images and videos, which provide an in depth explanation of the facts of the situation, and reciepts to back up all claims made.
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Timeline ~
January 2023
Timothy enrolls at The Young Americans College Of Performing Arts (TYA)
June 2024
After 3 semesters of experience at the college, Timothy begins whistleblowing to the President of The Board Of Directors of TYA, after it is suggested to him by a relative of the president.
September 11, 2024
Timothy writes in an email to the President of The Board, “Hi, Hope you’re doing well. I know when I checked in last time, you asked for patience, but my concerns are growing regarding Talya.-”
“The students, and every factually/staff member I’ve talked to are also uneasy about Talya. Every teacher I’ve brought my concerns up with says they’ve noticed the same things or had the same worries, but worry about losing their job if they were to say anything.
Regarding students, Talya also has final say on casting decisions, as well as several peoples housing situations, so unless a student stays in her good graces, there are a myriad of ways she could retaliate against them-”
September 12, 2024
Timothy walks into a scheduled meeting with the Dean of Students, Juandretta Murphy, to talk about academic progress. Instead, he is informed he is expelled immediately, and is escorted off campus.
September 15, 2024
Timothy files his appeal with the college