The Young Americans Inc. charity status is in delinquency with the State of California

A charitable organization that has failed to file one or more of the required annual reports with the Attorney General's Registry of Charities and Fundraisers (Registry) may be sent a delinquency notice.

A charitable organization that is not in good standing because it is delinquent may not operate or solicit donations in California. This includes not being able to be listed in solicitations or receive donations through charitable fundraising platforms. If the delinquency is not fixed, the organization’s status will be further changed to Suspended, and/or Revoked and may result in penalties. The Franchise Tax Board will also be notified about the delinquent status and the organization may lose its tax exemption. - Under “Frequently Asked Questions”

You can seach an organizations charity registration status here. You can find The Young Americans Inc. by entering “the young americans” under “organization name”.